Nature Foundation Organizes Second ‘Reduce and Reuse’ Night at Buccaneers Beach Bar

reduce reuse poster

The Nature Foundation will organize a second Reduce and Reuse night, as due to heavy rainfall previous Reduce and Reuse night attendance was limited. Therefore everyone has another option to learn about the harmful impacts of trash and single-use plastics on the environment and how you can reduce your own single-use plastic output. The evening … Continue reading Nature Foundation Organizes Second ‘Reduce and Reuse’ Night at Buccaneers Beach Bar

‘Soak A Fete’ Visitors Create Massive Amounts of Littering at Kim Sha Beach; Buccaneer Beach Bar, CC1, Meadowlands and DTF Events Clean-Up Other Business’ Trash

The Nature Foundation St Maarten was informed about a massive amount of littering which took place at the ‘Soak A fete’ last Sunday night despite the repeated remarks of the organization to visitors of the event to dispose their trash responsibly. Buccaneer Beach Bar, CC1, Meadowlands and DTF events did a great job cleaning up … Continue reading ‘Soak A Fete’ Visitors Create Massive Amounts of Littering at Kim Sha Beach; Buccaneer Beach Bar, CC1, Meadowlands and DTF Events Clean-Up Other Business’ Trash